Integrity Commitment
WARRRL maintains a culture of ethical conduct and takes disclosures very seriously. We encourage the reporting of any instances of suspected unethical, illegal, corrupt, fraudulent or undesirable conduct involving Containers for Change or WARRRL business partners.
speak up POLICY
We provide protection to eligible whistleblowers and customers of Containers for Change who make a disclosure in relation to such conduct without fear of detrimental conduct, reprisal, or breach of identity without consent.
You can step forward if you have seen something that doesn’t look right by contacting us at [email protected] or via our confidential, secure service provider, Whispli
As a socially responsible organisation, we adopt the highest professional standards and comply with all laws, regulations and codes applicable to the Company. In addition, it is expected those companies within our supply chain to do the same, as set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
WARRRL is committed to running an ethical and responsible business. As part of the Company’s governance and ethical sourcing practices, steps are taken to continuously improve practices in identifying and addressing modern slavery where it may occur within the Company’s business or supply chain.
Our Modern Slavery Statement outlines the steps and practices WARRRL has taken to address modern slavery where it may occur within the Company’s business or supply chain.