What to do? If you are aware your operations will be impacted in the near future (road work changing access to site, planned power outage etc), as soon as you are aware of the event, simply send an email to you Regional Manager with the following details: Impacted...
c. Business changes reporting
Emergency/unexpected closure or altering of operations at an RPO
Emergency/temporary closure definition We understand that some situations outside of your control may prevent you from opening your Refund Point, these are: **Force Majeure Event as defined in the Refund Point Agreement (see below) Severe weather warning or severe...
Updating the phone number associated with your B2B account (claim portal)
Updating the phone number associated with your B2B account (claim portal) To ensure the safety of your account, we implemented a few months ago a 2-factor authentication system to access the B2B portal (claim portal). If you need to update the mobile number...
Updating your Refund Point bank details
Request a banking account update Due to the risk associated with account details, WARRRL is unable to accept banking details that have been sent via email. To update your bank details, email your regional manager with only the following information: Your name Site...
Updating contact information
Staff changes and contact information update Refund Point Operators often have multiple contacts per site or head office. Updates for these contacts must be provided by the RPOs as soon as they happen to ensure correspondence, emergency contacts and site contacts are...
Updating your operating hours
Contractual requirements Your Refund Point must be open as per the minimum hours stated in your Refund Point Agreement for that site. Before submitting a change to a site's operating hours, first check the contractual agreement between WARRRL and your Refund Point....